Sunday, September 1, 2013

Just Get in the Truck and Go

What do you write in the first post or a new blog? Is it kind of like the thesis statement of an essay or the mission statement for an organization? That's grand and all, but I have no fuckin' idea what all this is about. It's just my chickenshit way of getting things out of my brain to an audience without actually having to talk to the people in my life who actually know me. Bravery shrouded in the vast anonymous absolute lack of responsibility attached to the internet, which is just another way of saying I'm probably a colossal coward.

Where does that actually leave me? Maybe it's like the first day of class. Is this the big, anticlimactic "who am I" exercise that nobody really gives even a quarter of a rat's ass about? Sure. Why not. The only problem with that is that it's too general, and I have not a single clue as to what to say to that question. Like a deer in the headlights, I am frozen on the spot, mostly just looking for the most opportune direction to bolt.

Fuck it. I'm gonna just go for the 1. 2. punch. Who am I? I'm fuckin' Cupcake. I'm a pissed off twenty something who just wants to run the fuck away, so here I am, making the first post on some blog I started on a whim because just be able to type it away is probably the only thing that keeps me from just bitch-slapping some innocent bystander, packing my bags, hopping in the car and just going until I can't anymore.

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